These are set and enforced by the moderators.
People registering and maintaining accounts at Romancelandia.Club agree to these rules as the starting point for conduct guidance. You are also agreeing to review and abide by the full code of conduct (below).
No person registering a Romancelandia.Club account shall use the account for harassment, threats, or intimidation, nor to compromise the safety, privacy, or well-being of any other person on this or any other instance.
No person shall engage in behavior disruptive to the ongoing communication among others; if you are asked to cease an interaction or contact, publicly or personally, you will do so.
The following are not permitted anywhere on Romancelandia.Club: Holocaust denial and Nazi symbolism; promotion of fascist, supremacist, violent or hateful ideology or symbolism, including in choice of user name or avatar; willful mis/disinformation that may harm others.
If a participant engages in behavior that contravenes these rules, the admins may take any action they deem appropriate, up to and including deletion of an account from Romancelandia.Club and identifying the participant publicly as someone about whom we've received complaints.